
What is Vacuum?

All men might have gone through a feeling of ‘nothingness’, atleast once in their lives. “Oh! There’s nothing interesting in it”, “What are you doing now?” “Nothing much!”, “I’m totally bored! Nothing to do” are some sentences we often say ourselves or hear others say. What’s common to all these? Nothing but, ‘nothing’.
The term used to denote ‘nothingness’ in science is vacuum. Put in simple, yet scientifically correct terms, ‘Vacuum is a state with no particles’. So, perfect vacuum means complete absence of particles. It is usually difficult to attain physically. Physically feasible, partial vacuum finds many applications in our everyday lives.



Our universe is very vast and mysterious. From the beginning of civilization, we were searching for it’s beginning and evolution. In quest of finding the answers to these ultimate questions, we have stumbled upon various laws of universe. At first, most people considered these laws to be the natural way of being, while a few did study it a little deeper to formulate a set of equations to represent them and use it in future studies. And thus, our knowledge of this universe increased slowly, but steadily. By now, we all, old and young know that these laws are universal laws that can’t be violated.



The Heavenly Canvas

Many say, the world is a stage, and we are all actors. We play a definite role assigned to us for a particular period. Then we will have to leave the stage. Sure, the world is a stage. What about the sky? The sky is a canvas, especially at night. What we call as sky is an optical illusion. There is no
such thing. We just feel it’s presence. The air particles, scatter light to create an image, that we call sky.