Earth Life

The Greener, The Better

Every day brings in new hope. We leave the past behind us, and live in the present and dream about the future. We learn from our past mistakes and do things in the present for a brighter future.

The world is getting a tougher place to live. The year 2011 witnessed the 99% challenging the BIG 1%. It’s a competitive world, where the rich become richer and the poor, poorer. In addition to the financial revolution, the world also saw the dawn of a number of public agitations against the powerful. To top it all, the global temperature is rising, and so is the population.


The Operating System

For the functioning of a computer, we need an operating system or O.S. Just like an operating system is necessary for the working of a computer, human beings too need an operating system to keep us working. It’s our mind. It is more complex and efficient than any of it’s man made counterparts. Our mind is the platform that helps us live in a sane and social manner.

Aliens Life Universe

Why on Earth…(?)

Till this date, there aren’t available any proofs that are above any suspicion, for the existence of extra-terrestrial life. This compels us to believe that the only inhabitable place in this universe is our Earth. We can be proud of that, till we are proved wrong. In our quest for extra-terrestrial life, we have done many experiments and trials, but in vain. Yet, the quest continues…


What a Life!

Every living being that walks, crawls or flies in this planet has got a life. But do all of them lead a life? Human beings lead a life (happily or unhappily). From the very second we enter the world, we start living. The life of a man (or woman) is very different from that of another.